Monday, November 2, 2009

Reading Notes "Introduction to Linux"

1.3.1 Open Source

* The idea behind Open Source software is rather simple: when programmers can read, distribute and change code, the code will mature.

Daily Study Keywords

-- Introduction to Linux: 20/223
-- Bash Guide for Beginners: 9/173
-- Bash Programming - Introduction HOW-TO: 8/29

Mon, Nov 2, 2009
-- rms, Richard Matthew Stallman,
-- xterm, eterm, aterm
-- echo, grep, ls

Q: Linux is a full UNIX clone. Why is this clone needed? How to decide if a Linux or a UNIX is needed for an application?
A: With every standard Linux distribution, the C-compiler is included for free - as opposed to many UNIX distributions demanding licensing fees for this tool.

Q: Is PC a computer with Windows OS?


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Quantization: Yao Wang's Video Processing and Communications
VQ: Yao Wang's
Video Processing and Communications
Convolutional Codes: Shu Lin's Error Control Coding (2nd Edition)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Donald Knuth (Wiki)
  • The Art of Computer Programming
  • TeX
Robert M. Gray (Wiki)
  • VQ
  • Advisor of my boss

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Quantization in Wang Y's book, then the 1-D W-Z Ps.

DISCUS paper part C

Consider Prof.'s chapter (how to decide c_j)

Gray's VQ paper


Data Compression:

has two important properties: 1) a Distortion resulting from the approximation and 2) a Bit-Rate resulting from binary encoding of its levels. Therefore the Quantizer design problem is a Rate-Distortion optimization type. (
A good tutorial on Vector Quantization: In 1980, Linde, Buzo, and Gray (LBG) proposed a VQ design algorithm based on a training sequence.
Some VQers:
  • Stanley Ahalt
  • Jim Fowler
  • Allen Gersho
  • Robert M. Gray
  • Batuhan Ulug

A good tutorial by Bernd Girod:
"Mutual Information" I(U;V) is the information that symbol U and symbol V convey about each other. Equivalently, I(U;V) is the communicated amount of information.
"Channel Capacity" C is the maximum mutual information between the transmitter and the receiver.
It is known that the Gaussian source is the most "difficult" source to encode: for a given mean square error, it requires the greatest number of bits. The performance of a practical compression system working on—say—images, may well be below the R(D) lower bound shown. ( )
Wyner and Ziv's paper "The Rate-Distortion Function for Source Coding with Side Information at the Decoder" provides the R-D function for the lossy DSC as well as its derivation. The proof procedure is crazy. I will read it when necessary.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Diane took us to Ale's House last night,
in the community where she grew up.
It's very old and very America.
It was Mexico Night,
so we got some Mexican food.
After that,
we got great ice cream in Lathem.
Even a small vanilla corn was too much for me.
Qi got a large Hard Coffee,
which tasted very good,
and it was huge!

Chicken Quesadilla: chicken, cheese, tomato between two pieces of Tortila.
Chicken Fajita: grilled chicken and vegetables with Tortila.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We are going to the dinner bar tonight with Diane.
How nice she is!
It's great to have something to look forward,
while studying at the library.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The furniture in my old lab would be moved to my temporary lab today.
So I am in the library.
It is so quiet,
not bad though.

Monday, July 6, 2009


After the travel,
recovered from the jet lag,
it is time to be back to work,
regardless the noisy air conditioner.

Reed-Solomon Tutorial:

Friday, May 22, 2009


It was yesterday, as normal as everyday.
I like this kind of birthday.
Thanks for my friends' wishes.
I gotta be back to the REPORT mode now.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Finally, my boss asked for a brief status report.
It is what I want,
but I have no idea how to start it.
Just write down whatever in my mind.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Saturday, May 16th 2009
I congratulate the seniors for surviving the four years at Rensselaer,
whether they are going to graduate school or entering the work force.

When would be my commencement?
Who would give the commencement speech?
I have been here for almost two years.
It seems as though it was only yesterday that I moved in.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I booked the plane ticket on April 3rd.
The population of the swine flu is from the late April.
I understand the panic of the people in my country.
To be responsible to myself and my country, as some people said,
I have to cancel this travel.

This decision make me calm down.
Now, I'd better plan my summer.
I'll learn, feel, and have fun.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


In my third road test, I passed it finally.
Qi was even happier than me.

Monday, May 11, 2009


It is the first day of this summer.
It is time to switch to research.
It is said to be the most important time for research.
Tough, I know, but...
If you have to do something, enjoy it!
As a friend told me.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


full title · Anne of Green Gables
author · Lucy Maud Montgomery
type of work · Novel
genre · Coming-of-age novel; juvenile literature
language · English
time and place written · 1908; Canada
date of first publication · 1908

Friday, May 8, 2009


The question came to me after the appointment yesterday.
I realized that I am not working for my boss, my advisor actually,
but, instead, he is working for me.
It makes me respect him even more!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


At this time, a systematic conclusion on the S algorithm family would be of much help to me.
Since I am working on improving this well-known algorithm, I have no reason to omit its developing, its properties, its applications, etc..
As far as I have an idea of these, a clear map would show me its shortcomings and the possible ways to overcome them.

For each algorithm in this family, conclude the following.
* the modifications
* the applications
* the advantages
* the disadvantages
* the compared methods

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have been working on this project for half a year.
The experimental results show that there are still some problem to figure out.
I know. This is research.
Today, when I was looking for some possible applications of our system, I found it almost useless, at least no big improvement for its basic algorithm.
It seems that there is little place for the basic algorithm to be improved.
Hopefully there are something over the conner.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I do not like such a title, but it seems a proper one at this time.
I thought I had found a bug in the codec my boss gave me before, and I sent him an email explaining what a big bit waste it resulting.
But this morning, I tested more on that program, and it turned out that I did make a mistake on reading the program.
Just as my boss guessed in his email reply.

Of course, it is not a good news.
But the good point is that I would build a correct program based on the old one.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yesterday, a sunny Saturday, I had a nice trip to Albany with Qi and Hui.
We had lunch at the small Thai restaurant with Jun and his girlfriend.
It was the second time I had been there, and the food was excellent.
I ordered a wrong dish, which was not the one I expected for, but luckily, Qi offered to exchange his with mine. ^n^
The truth was that I asked him to do so, ==! and he would not let me down.
That is a little bonus of having a boyfriend. You have one more chance to get what you really want when you order in a not-very-familiar restaurant.
What a good lunch time!
After that we said good-bye with Jun and his girlfriend.

It was the time for our tulip tour at Washington Park.
The big tulip festival is the Mother's Day, May 10th, this year.
We thought there might be some tulip coming earlier, but it turned out we were wrong.
The tulips for the festival were carefully selected and they would blossom at the specific time.
Bikini beauties, lovely dogs,..., it was still a good tour though.
Actually, it would be a great one, if there had been less sunshine.
The temperature was up to 88F, which had been the highest one ever since 1915.

Ben & Jerry's gave us a cool down.
Coffee Heart Bar Shake! ****
Great flavour, but it was too large for me, even though it was in a regular size. I could not finish it before it turning not-icy.
Real Fruit Smoothies: Mango and More! ****
Not as delicious as the above one, but it should be healthier. *b*

I did not forget the MLB game.
Red Sox vs. Yankee, 4:10pm - almost 9pm, Red Sox won!
What a time-consuming sports!
Luckily, we watched it in front of a TV.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Troy Night Out is on the last Friday evening at each month.
I was there last night with Brea and several other fellows.
The main topic of this program is Art.
To be honest, I am not a big art fan, but the dancing lesson given there did bring me some surprise.

It was my first time to do Swing Dance.
The teacher Jason taught the very basic steps, but I was still not quite sure about the movings especially when doing a circle.
When I danced with Brea, she told me more details, and I guess I did a big improvement.
Perhaps I do have some musical cells. Haha ^z^
Anyway, I like it. I like the Swing Dancing!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


When you are 27, perform as a young person.

Thanks, Joe! I am going to give myself the time to make the STOP trick work.

STOP!! There is no evidence that I was sick. ^z^

Friday, March 20, 2009

An Improved DISCUS Algorithm

* Features of the improved DISCUS algorithm.

* How to connect it with the parity checking matrix H of convolutional codes?

* How to expand this algorithm to other input data length (e.g. 5 bits input data)?

* Is there other paper about this idea?

* Is there some possible application of this idea?

Turbo Code

Here is a good tutorial on Turbo Codes and a very good example is given:

* How to use Turbo Codes to our system?
* How are Turbo Codes used to others' systems?

Friday, January 23, 2009


Work as root : su + exit

Emacs Installation: yum install emacs

Deal with rar formate: yum install unrar

C, C++ 开发工具



-主要两种方式进行扩 展:el脚本(elisp是lisp的一种方言)和第三方扩展包。


-功能强大是通 过用户添加一些扩展包,lisp脚本来实现的。




-对标准C++支持度高达96.15% (VC++6.0只83.43%)


-gcc 是 gnu c编译器
g++是 gnu c++编译器
EGCS(Enhanced GNU Compiler Suite)可认为是gcc的改进版


-选项-E(只进行预处理), -S(生成汇编代码), -g(生成带原代码调试符号的可执行文件,供gdb调试)

-GCC集成了调试器gdb,性能分析工具gcov, gprof。

-gcov:查看源代码中每行代码的运行次数(优化运行次数多的代码来优化程序)。使用gcov时,需要打开 GCC的fprofile-arcs和ftest-coverage两个选项。gcov中常用的选项有-b分支统计信息。


-gcov和 gprof的共同点是在编译程序时,加入自己的一些辅助信息,由此来进行程序诊断。





-可下载安装GUI模式的GDB,如xxgdb, ddd等

-更好的方式是在 EMACS中使用GDB

GDB包括visual studio所有调试功能以及它没有的功能。

-功能列举:1)通过 watch指令,可以让程序在某个变量的值发生变化时,暂停下来。2)通过print指令,在程序运行时,设置变量的值,运行一个程序自身支持的一个方 法。3)通过until指令,我们可以让程序在运行到某个程序时暂停下来。4)通过break.. if指令,使得程序在满足某个bool表达式时,暂停下来。

粘合剂: makefile



-Makefile生成工具:GNU的autoconf。一个GNU程序的编写,需要autoscan, aclocal, autoconf, automake这四个工具。

-我们知道GNU软件安装的三步曲是:./configure, make, make install。其中./configure就是根据autoconf, alocal等工具生成一个makefile文件。make指令就是调用make指令来根据makefile文件的规则来编译源程序。而make install就是执行makefile中的install规则指出的操作(一般是copy操作)。而make clean就是执行makefile中的clean规则指出的操作(一般是rm操作)。
